About Author

Hi, I am Kashif Riaz. Founder and author at Tire Monk.com.

I am a tire blogger who writes about automobiles and their components like tires, with a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, from 2013-2017.

Engr Kashif Riaz
Engr Kashif Riaz

I have a thorough understanding of vehicles, especially when it comes to the tires. Being a car owner and having three bikes, I am someone who has worked professionally in the industry and also as an expert on the subject.

I believe I know much to help you regarding tires. I believe in thorough research combined with practical insights and testing to know all the aspects related to tires.

While my expertise encompasses various facets of automobiles, my true passion and specialization lie in the realm of tires. I believe tires are the unsung heroes of every vehicle, connecting it to the road and ensuring safety, performance, and efficiency.

My journey as an automobile engineer has allowed me to delve deep into the intricacies of tire technology, performance optimization, and maintenance strategies.

My Approach:

What sets me apart is my approach. I want to add value to my readers. I have an in-depth understanding of the tire’s role in vehicle dynamics.

I believe that a tire isn’t just a rubber component. In fact, tires are a critical interface between the car and the road, influencing handling, traction, fuel efficiency, and overall driving experience.

Through years of hands-on experience and writing on the subject, I have honed my skills in analyzing tire specifications, tread patterns, and materials to recommend the perfect tire for specific vehicles and driving conditions.

I’m here to help you with everything related to tires. Whether you need advice on picking the right tires for your vehicle, understanding how tires are made, or learning how to make your tires last longer with proper maintenance, I’ll be by your side, guiding you at every step.

I am dedicated to sharing my expertise and helping you make informed decisions about your tires. Mainly to ensure your safety, comfort, and driving pleasure.

Feel free to explore the resources on my website, where you’ll find informative articles, guides, and insights related to tires.

If you have any questions, whether they pertain to tire selection, maintenance tips, or simply a curiosity about the world of tires, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Your satisfaction and confidence in your tire-related decisions are my top priorities.